
Green Jade 108 Chips and Raw Root, Bronzite Beads Tree


Green Jade crystal stone is an abundance stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality. It’s a stone that’s believed to bring in good luck, friendship, peace, and joy. Green jade reiki healing stone is protective.

Bronzite protect from black magic an also send reverse to the center.

Green Jade 108 Chips and Raw Root, Bronzite Beads Tree


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Green jade crystal stone comes from the money tree which means good luck and prosperity.

Green jade is an abundance of stone. It brings happiness to business and family relationships, as well as material abundance. You can Place this tree in your home, office, or sacred altar and the energies of the crystal will spread evenly in all directions. You can also use it during meditation. It is a spiritual gift.

Bronzite is a grounding and protective mineral that restores self-confidence and harmony in situations that make you feel powerless and overwhelmed. Bronzite has an energy that helps to promote peace and harmony, and will assist the growth of feelings of compassion and forgiveness.

Green Jade 108 Chips Beads Tree | Bronzite 8 MM In 4 Beads | Green Jade Raw |

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