
Gold Stone Pencil Pendant ( Man-Made )


A healing crystal stone pendant is a piece of jewellery that has been created with love and healing intentions.
The combination of healing energies in the stones and the channelled energy, enhance and complement each other beautifully.

Gold Stone Pencil Crystal Pendant


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SKU: PT_PENC-GLDS Category: Tags: , , , Stone:

Goldstone Benefits and Properties:-

  • It reduces tension, revitalises the individual and encourages a positive attitude.
  • Goldstone transmits healing energy, increases self-acceptance, aids in learning and soothes hypersensitivity.
  • Goldstone is an ideal stone for empaths and is associated with the heart and crown chakras.
  • The Goldstone is a great addition, especially for the morning grouch as it provides us with extra power, which often lasts all day.
  • It also has a mood-enhancing effect and supports our aura on an energetic level.
  • Goldstone helps one find balance financially and gives more luck when it comes to money issues in general.

Product Details: Natural stone | Pencil Shape | Size: 1-2 Inch Approx.